How Do You Stop A Tooth From Throbbing?

A toothache can really stop you in your tracks. It can be difficult to work, focus, eat, or enjoy anything when you are dealing with a throbbing tooth. When a toothache hits after hours, you will want to find an emergency dentist in Greenbelt, MD. Prime Dental Care provides emergency dental services, but there are a few things you can do to relieve toothache pain until you can see the dentist. 

What Causes a Throbbing Tooth?

A throbbing tooth is often caused by damage or decay to a tooth. If you have decay on a tooth that is left untreated, it can quickly escalate. When the decay reaches as far as the nerves in the tooth, you will start to experience pain. The more exposed the nerves are, the more intense the pain will be. 

How Can I Stop A Throbbing Tooth?

The most important step is to find an emergency dentist in Greenbelt, MD. You will want to have the tooth examined as quickly as possible. If you want some relief while you are waiting to see the dentist, though, there are a few things you can try. 

Over-the-counter pain relievers are a good starting place when dealing with tooth pain. You may also want to try over-the-counter toothache gel. These products can numb the tooth temporarily. Remember, the tooth is hurting for reason, though. You do not want to ignore the tooth pain you are experiencing. Even if you can find temporary pain relief by using over-the-counter medications, it is imperative that you see the dentist so that the cause of the pain can be resolved. A toothache caused by decay will not resolve itself. 

Applying a warm compress to the part of the face that is hurting can also bring about some temporary relief.

If you are in need of an emergency dentist in Greenbelt, MD, please contact Prime Dental Care by calling (301) 441-9499.

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